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Why a Graduate Degree


             What makes the system turn in such a way that some people become educated and others don't? It's opportunity. As such, a parent with a college degree can afford to offer their children more opportunities and experiences. It's not all about the money either, even though as we"ll see, education supports the pockets as well. It's about having the right tools to be able to teach your children the basics in life. It is also about being and advisor. To be the best advisor and guidance counselor for my children, I need to know first hand what to tell them. There is no substitute for going thru the process myself. The National Center for Children in Poverty reported that, "81% of children whose parents do not hold a high school degree live in low-income families." (NCCP) This is an astounding fact that perpetuates itself over and over again. Uneducated people tend to commingle with other uneducated individuals creating a subculture of uneducated and low-income families. In turn, they raise uneducated children. The signs of undereducation .
             are evident in the first few years of a child's life. The important development years of children are not nurtured nearly as much by uneducated parents.
             According to the publication, America's Children, "Children with more highly educated mothers were more likely to attend an early childhood program than others. Seventy four percent of children whose mothers had completed college attended such programs in 1999, compared with 40 percent whose mothers had less than a high school education." (Americas Children) A significant note would be that that education gives one the opportunity to send their children to pre-school learning centers. I don't believe that a less educated parent is not smart enough to send their children to pre-school, I just think they can't afford the cost. Another point regarding early education is that children that are read too are better adjusted in school and have an easier time learning and adjusting.

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