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why did Cancun fail?


             On implementation, a group of developing countries presented a new language end August. This text calls for the negotiating groups to address as a matter of priority implementation issues dealt by them; a negotiating group to address all the remaining outstanding implementation issues; decisions to be adopted by March 2004. .
             Some developed countries delegations said that they were not ready to establish a negotiating group on implementation. One delegation insisted on giving priority to the issue of the extension of the higher level of protection of geographical indications beyond wines and spirits. There remains disagreement on whether to treat this issue as an implementation one.
             New wording was also proposed by the same group of developing countries at the end of August on small economies, trade, debt and finance and technology transfer. Facilitator Kituyi said that the informal meeting will resume tomorrow at the same time. In the mean time, he is available for consultations with delegations.
             Facilitator Mukhisa Kituyi reported on the previous days meeting on one key implementation issue- proposals to extend the higher level of protection for geographical indications beyond wines and spirits- He said delegations are "religiously" sticking to their opposition positions. It is important to avoid this issue dominating the discussion and blocking the issues.
             While consensus seems to be emerging, a wide gap still exists between those countries who want negotiations on the extension of the higher level of protection for geographical indications beyond wines and spirits and those who do not believe it is an implementation issue .
             On special and differential treatment, many countries favor "harvesting" the 24 agreed provisions while continuing to try to improve that package. In general, members want ministers to give guidance on the way forward. Some countries would like a new deadline, possibly March 2004.

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