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The women of the first class had their own special reading and writing room that overlooked the Promenade Deck with a large fireplace. They had this because they are special, the third class women didn't know any different or better. Nothing was obvious to anybody about the different ways each class was treated because they were kept segregated from one another tastefully so. They knew they weren't allowed any further than their limits that were set upon them by security. .
             The men of the ruling class had a social room in which they could read, write, and play cards. The women could join them if they wanted to. The Art was plentiful on the walls as well as the windows in these social rooms. This was a way to rank the room as prestigious by decorating with expensive tastes. They also had their own orchestra to play for them while they relaxed and listened in their first class beautiful sitting room. These people are important, and need time out on the trip to reflect. This is an example of the rewards that money can generate and the respect that comes along with prestige.
             The ruling class had the top decks for their private suites, with private bathrooms. There were also less expensive first class cabins with single beds. But all of them included expensive and exclusive staterooms decorated in different styles for the elite. They have earned their right to the best there is to offer, and are enjoying the trip not just there for the voyage to a better place like the third class.
             The second-class passengers had their smaller grand stairway or elevators to get to their different decks. They had their own libraries and smoke rooms for their class and they couldn't use the first class's staterooms or dining area. The dining room didn't have separate family seating in the second-class section at all just long tables. Their private rooms were smaller than first class, but comparable to modern day cabins, but tastefully done.

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