Determining a winner comes down to a couple of things. If everyone folds but one player, than that player wins. If not, then there is a showdown, where all the players still in the hand must reveal their cards. This happens when a round of betting ends with a player who bet being called by all the remaining players. The called player must show his hand first.
There are several hands standard to all poker games that determine the winner. Lowest is simply high card, if no one has anything else. After that comes one pair, and then two pair. A pair is just a numerically matched set of two cards. Next is three of a kind, which is three cards of the same number. After that comes the straight. A straight is five cards in order numerically, for example ace, two, three, four, five. Next highest is the flush, which is five cards of the same suit, such as spades. Higher than the flush is the full house. A full house is a combination of three of a kind and a pair. After the full house is four of a kind, and then the straight flush. The straight flush is the highest hand in poker, without wilds. It is a straight, suited. An example would be 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, all hearts. The highest straight flush you can get would be 10, jack, queen, king, ace, a royal flush. If wilds are in use it is possible to get five of a kind, which would beat even the royal flush. Wilds are when one card is said to be wild by the dealer before any cards have been dealt. A wild card can be anything you wish it to be, and can be used by different people for multiple uses if it is a community card.
Now that you have a basic understanding of the rules, we will move on to how to win. Betting, bluffing, checking, calling, raising, and many other things are a big part of whether you will win or lose, regardless of the cards you have. Poker is not about what you have, it is about what the other players think you have.