Justice Dennis .
O"Connor who did proceedings for the Walkerton case said in the newspaper The .
Record on 29 September 2003 .
"The wholesale exit of all government laboratories from routine testing of municipal water samples in 1996 made it unacceptable to let the notification protocol remain in the form of a legally unenforceable guideline".
By limiting the role of government in the Ministry of Environment saw a disastrous .
occurrence. Society was not protected and it is evident that government intervention .
would have prevented this situation. Protection of society is another essential service .
that governments should provide and the larger the role the government plays in .
protecting society, in turn, the safer society will be. Privatizing protection (i.e. water .
testing) places too much social responsibility on a private company interested in .
profits. The more power the government has over essential services the more .
society's interests will be looked after.
Phillips Shively (2001, 75) writes that education is the "most basic service" of .
governments. Governments, such as the NDP, believe in the government to play a .
strong role in public education. They want to see increase spending on text books, .
resources and human capital for elementary and secondary schools, and decreasing .
tuition and giving out more subsidies to post-secondary students. These are ways in .
which governments can increase human development and investment for the future, .
but more importantly take a positive role in the interests of society. Increasing private .
schools threatens the public school system because it takes away human resources .
that should be available for all. Brent Davis wrote in The Record 29 September 2003 .
that private schools offer higher wages and attracted higher quality teachers, .
depriving those who cannot afford this type of schooling. By doing this, it further .
threatens the citizens" interests in the future because education is a "prerequisite of .