leading cause of death for youth (ages 15-24), exceeded only by accidents and homicides. More Americans kill themselves than are killed by others. 734,000 Americans have attempted to kill themselves. Youth have the second highest rate of completed suicide: for every 100-200 young people, who attempt suicide, one successfully completes the act. Approximately 10.4 youth complete suicide each day that's one young person every 2 hours and 12 minutes. The elderly (ages 65+) have the highest rate of completed suicides: approximately 5,306 elders completed suicide in 2000. For every four older adults who attempt suicide, one successfully completes the act (2000).
Most of the time people who kill themselves are very sick with depression or one of the other types of depressive illnesses, which occur when the chemicals in a person's brain get out of balance or become disrupted in some way. Healthy people do not kill themselves. A person who has depression does not think like a typical person who is feeling good. Their illness prevents them from being able to look forward to anything. They can only think about NOW and have lost the ability to imagine into the future. Many times they don't realize they are suffering from a treatable illness and they feel they can't be helped. Seeking help may not even enter their mind. They do not think of the people around them, family or friends, because of their illness. They are consumed with emotional, and many times, physical pain that becomes unbearable. They don't see any way out. They feel hopeless and helpless. They don't want to die, but it's the only way they feel their pain will end. It is a non-rational choice. Many times people will try to alleviate the symptoms of their illness by drinking or using drugs. Alcohol and/or drugs will make the disease worse! There is an increased risk for suicide because alcohol and drugs decrease judgement and increase impulsivity (Questions On Suicide).