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             Do you ever have those really bad days when nothing seems to go right and you feel like just letting out a primal scream and maybe even a naughty word or two?.
             Do you ever get upset with other people.especially someone you really care a lot about and really wish you could give them a piece of your mind?.
             We all know that loud screams are likely to attract attention and perhaps even the police. Uttering naughty words.well, let's just agree that's not nice. As for sharing a piece of your distressed mind with your loved ones, that can cause a lot of pain, and it often does more harm than good. A teddy bear may be just the solution to your dilemma. We are famous for our ability to listen attentively and quietly to whatever our human companions want to say. If you have frustrations to vent, set your teddy bear at the other end of the couch and let him or her have it. Dump the whole load! Don't hold back. Whatever is on your mind, no matter how significant or how petty can be shared with us. When you're finished, we'll gladly give you a hug if you want (you really need one in those times) or we'll just sit quietly until you put us back in our place. No hurt feelings. No guilt. No embarrassment about what you said. It's just part of our job.
             This brings me to another of our many great attributes. If you do what I just suggested and get things off your chest with your teddy bear, you can be absolutely confident that no one else will ever know (unless you do it so loudly that the neighbors hear you). We'll never breathe a word about it. Your deepest secrets are safe with us. If you hear some wonderfully delicious gossip about someone and would love to share it, but you know that's not nice, tell your teddy. We won't repeat it. In fact, no one could beat it out of us. We're just raised that way. Unlike those three silly monkeys who claim to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil, we proudly claim to hear everything, see everything but say nothing.

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