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Hinduism and Buddhism Two of the Oldest Religions


They deal with Atma and Brahman that is the soul and the Supreme Being.
             Hindus believe in one supreme God with many attributes. There are also six main deities all deriving from the one and only Brahman or the Supreme God. Hindus can either pray to God with the help of statues or pray to him in his formless existence. The choice is left to each individual depending on the spiritual achievement of the individual. For example, an illiterate farmer may need the help of the statues in which God is humanized, in order to help him pray. He sees God in his own form in the statues. A sage or one who is advanced in theological knowledge will not need statues to achieve oneness with God. Meditation is an important aspect of Hinduism because through yoga and meditation they can try hard for Nirvana, the ultimate goal of life, which ends the soul, is "recycling process." At the end, the person finally returns to God (Brahman) which is the Hindu idea of "heaven" (Nirvana). We can forget that, God after death, Hindus believe that once a person attains Nirvana, his or her individuality is annihilated -- like a drop of water dissolving in the ocean. .
             Hinduism is based on the concept of reincarnation, in which all-living beings, from plants below to gods above, are caught in a cosmic cycle of becoming and perishing. Life is determined by the laws of karma, according to which rebirth is dependent on moral behavior in a previous phase of existence. In this view, life on earth is regarded as transient and a burden. The goal of existence is liberation from the cycle of rebirth and death and entrance into the indescribable state of what in Hindu texts is called moksha (liberation).
             The pattern of social classes in Hinduism is called the "caste system." Orthodox Hindu society in India was divided into four major hereditary classes: (1) the Brahmin (priestly and learned class); (2) the Kshatriya (military, professional, ruling, and governing occupations); (3) the Vaishya (landowners, merchants, and business occupations); and (4) the Sudra (artisans, laborers, and peasants).

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