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Where Will our Children Play?


The fact is that when many people think about living in a sustainable way a question comes out: if our pass thought the earth is so transitory, why to restrict ourselves from abundance instead of enjoying amply from the resources it gives us? Many people consider nature's wealth unlimited especially in developed countries like the United States where the welfare of their people is closely related with over consumption. .
             For many years, the United States has been seen world wide like the Promised Land. During all its history, immigrants from around the world have come to this country pursuing the American Dream. They come with the aspiration of getting here what they could not reach in their countries of origin. Freedom, material comfort, opportunities, self-reliance, and equality are the most common American values. Sadly, these natural aspirations of a better life soon or later are transformed in ambitious and selfishness desires of consume the most as is possible. The population's demands in developed countries such as the United States exceed their real necessities for survival. Twenty percent of the world's global population consumes approximately fifty percent of the world's natural resources and is directly responsible for seventy five percent of the world's total pollution. It is clearly seen that developed countries with their western tradition attain their economic success by overexploiting the natural resources, with a conqueror and owner of land attitude. Directly influenced by the western view of nature, the average of the people in the United States belong to a society accustomed to a excessive consumption and a very high standard of life plenty of material goods. Usually, people come to this country to pursue a better standard of living, but they find such abundance and opportunities that sometimes they take for granted, and gradually the American dream falls in the bad trap of a wasteful lifestyle, an unsustainable way of living that is stressing considerably our environment.

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