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Legalization of Marijuana


             There was also another study performed in the Netherlands about how the effects marijuana did not impair driving ability. " Marijuana intoxication is in no way unusual compared to medicine drugs, it has some effect, but is not profoundly impairing, and marijuana produces greater caution because users are more aware of their state." (Rosenthal, pg. 57).
             With so many years of research dedicated to finding the effects of marijuana, the studies only prove that it is safe. In my opinion, I think it is ridiculous that the only deaths that have been caused by marijuana were through acts of violence. The government tries to protect us from the so-called dangers of marijuana, a natural herb that has never caused a single death.
             There are so many different reasons to legalize marijuana, but the most beneficial one is its use in helping treat medical conditions. It is one of the most thoroughly researched drugs in history, and with the evidence that has been gathered over time clearly proves it is safe and beneficial. There have been eight states so far that have taken a step toward permitting the medical use of marijuana. These states include: California, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, and Colorado. However, "the Supreme Court rules there is no exception in Federal law for people to us it." (McKenzie).
             Marijuana has a wide variety of therapeutic uses, and is helpful in treating these following conditions:.
             Aids: reduces vomiting and loss of appetite.
             Asthma: THC acts as Bronchodilater and reverses bronchial constriction.
             Arthritis: autoimmune modulator.
             Cancer: stimulates appetite, alleviates nausea, and vomiting.
             Chronic pain: alleviates debilitating pain.
             Glaucoma: reduces muscular pressure, pain, and sometimes stopping condition.
             Depression: Shown to help slowly and naturally.
             Menstrual cramps: eases pain of cramps and birth.

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