Throughout the war women proved so well that they were really quite capable of doing a mans job, they were hardworking, even with the long hours and the extra load the war brought to the workers. And on top of all that many still went home after it all and managed to act as a mother and housewife as well!.
Whilst the men were fighting, lots of the farms lost their laborers and food production wasn't being kept up because of it. Women set in here helping as well. They were called the land army. They helped out doing such things like harvesting cotton and fruit, working in the dairy and sheep and poultry industries etc. they were all volunteers and worked as hard as any man! They earned praise for their hard work and effort that really shone through. So although after the war was over women were taken out of the workforce, they proved whilst there that they were capable of doing any mans job and put in all their effort to succeed! .
Women in the forces, services and helping out!.
As the same as world war one, generally the government and military commanders didn't want women to be present in the battle zones of war. The only jobs they wanted the women to do at the place of war was to be nurses, canteen workers, clerical duties, signaling, ferrying aircraft to aerodrome to aerodrome and drive vehicles etc. they did not want them present in battle areas at all. But still women persisted because what they really wanted to do was participate in the war more directly; they were determined to contribute actively to the war effort. Because of their persistence, gradually their roles changed not only in war related situations but the whole of society as well. Prejudice against having women in armed forces was overcome by the need of Australian involvement in war.
Soon enough women were no longer treated as fragile. But still only the nurses served in the combat areas. Women were not allowed to be involved in any combat positions but were however, accepted into more roles like serving in the army, navy and air force to support the fighting men.