The definition of an Organisation can be definede as " a group of people working together to .
It includes routine behaviours, norms, dominant values, and a feeling or .
climate conveyed. The purpose and function of this culture is to help foster internal integration, .
bring staff members from all levels of the organisation much closer together, and enhance their .
However, there seems to be a widely held misconception that throughout an organisation or .
within a specific division there is only one uniform culture that exists. This definition does not .
seem adequate because it fails to recognise that in many organisations there are quite often .
groups that are unique of the dominant culture. They may have values that are not consistent, or .
outwardly reject the culture as a whole, yet at the same time they are still able to maintain their .
position within the firm. In addition, it has been a personal experience that in many organisations .
strong organisational culture can in fact be negative, and in fact actually damage the performance .
of their employees. The perception is due to the fact that in many organisations the culture can .
act as a barrier to the employee to gain status within the organisation. .
This perception may have also had a lot to due with the nature of the position that was held at .
the company. This company seemed to fit the criteria and meet the description of a "Fortress .
Culture". This may have been the result of the fact that it business was in the highly competitive .
field of financial services. The management was very preoccupied with figures such as sales, .
growth and earnings, and they treated the staff as a commodity that could easily be replaced. As a .
contract employee there was little in the way of job security and essential no possibility to be .
rewarded for good performance. The theory is inadequate because it does not recognise the fact .