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No Sugar


            Often in plays a dialectic approach is taken to help the audience rethink their attitudes and grasp a deeper understanding that wouldn't be possible without contrasts and opposing view points. In the play No Sugar, these notions are a vital element in the construction and dramatic success of Jack Davis's play. The contrast between dialogue in the play focuses on how humour is used as an evocation of pity and sadness and how the Aboriginal language along with their lifestyle has been corrupted by their dependency on European settlers. The contrast between living conditions and legal rights between white and black Australians is also relevant to the construction and dramatic success of the play, as it sets up an appalling social hierarchy purely determined by race, culture and skin colour. These contrasts build an awareness of the treatment of Aboriginals in the 1930's and makes Australians evaluate the reasons for racial problems today. .
             In the play, dialogue between whites and blacks is opposing. Whites tend to take a very serious, authoritarian tone with the aboriginals and in defence the aboriginals are cheeky and humorous, When Seargent says "Your trouble Milly, is you got three healthy men bludging off you, too lazy to work" Milly replies with "where they gonna get work?" At first this form of speech seems like a simple humorous statement but when reflected on, it's obvious to see the frightening truth behind the question. These Aboriginals can't get work, and if they do they are not paid enough to survive if paid at all "Look last week my Joe cut a hundred posts .and you know what he got? a pair of second hand boots and a peace of stag ram so tough even the dawgs couldn't eat it". These contrasting and conflicting conversations shows the ignorance of white Australians as they criticize aboriginals for not finding work disregarding the blatant truth that no one is protecting them from being exploited.

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