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Le Baiser de Hotel de Ville


            All photos have a common goal, to capture a specific emotion, detail, or memory at a specific time. This is what Robert Doisneau does so well in Le Baiser de Hotel de Ville .
             I first saw this picture in my high school government class, where my teacher had a reproduction hung on his wall. Immediately I noticed how well this picture had captured the classic romanticism of the 1940's. I saw this picture as one that also captures the daily life in a chaotic 1940's Europe. I have seen romanticism so well represented in motion pictures from this era. I have also noticed how romanticism seems to be fading away in today's' modern society and culture.
             Robert Doisneau photographed scenes of everyday life in Europe, this, he believed, would capture scenes that could not be reproduced or staged. Look closely at the females" right hand; it is hanging on her side. The position of her arm is very similar to a walking position. One can then assume that this was a scene was a sudden show of affection that was initiated by the male. She was caught off guard, accepting the sign, but also not knowing how to react to it. If we also look at the eyes of the male, they are closed. And it is quite possible that the eyes of the female are closed as well. They are closed, not looking into the street or at anyone. They are not looking because they do not care about what is on the street, the other people, or anything for that matter. For that second, they are completely engaged and engulfed by each other.
             Everything in the background is in motion. Everything in this photograph is in motion except for the couple. This represents the typical life in Europe. People are hurrying to their own destination. They are looking forward, not at the couple, focused on their destination. The automobiles in the background are speeding by in the background; they too symbolize the events of everyday life in Europe. The motion in the background only enhances the couple.

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