Macbeth is afraid of speaking of his black and deep desires openly, even to himself. For this reason Macbeth wrote a very affectionate letter to his dear wife, hiding nothing from her, it is observable they are very sincere towards each other and retain a relationship built on pure trust. He explains to her about the witches and how one prophecy has already come true. Lady Macbeth is very keen for Macbeth to be king, she is even more ambitious than he is and has no regard for morality. She must urge him on to become king, because she knows he is too honourable to jump at his first chance, because she knows Macbeth has a strong conscience she knows just the thought of the crime would torment him; therefore she calls on the evil spirits to help her .
"Come you spirits.
That tend on moral thoughts, unsex me here .
And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full .
Of direst cruelty", .
This shows she is selfish, cruel and black-hearted to do such a thing. Sequentially she has decided to take control of everything and Macbeth seems pleased for her to do this.
After thinking thoroughly, Macbeth decides not to commit the murder, because he is frightened of the consequences for the reason he has never killed anyone in a cold blooded attack before, only in battle. He didn't want to be another traitor like MacDowland the final "Thane of Cawdor" which had been executed for bizarre reasons. He was meant to be loyal and noble to the throne and not assassinate his own king. However Lady Macbeth was aware of her husbands" weaknesses, and thinks it is her responsibility to guide Macbeth to fulfil his ambitions so he can become king:.
"Thou wouldst be great,.
Art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it.".
He was not equipped to accept Lady Macbeth's rage, disbelief and abuse. In addition she declared a horrific speech .
"How tender "tis to love the babe that milks me: .
I would, while it was smiling in my face, .