Just over 10 years ago state authorized casino gambling in the .
United States was confined to Nevada and Atlantic City. Today Legalized .
Gambling has spread across the country and now you can find it almost .
anywhere you go from Indian Casinos to great riverboats. The big .
Question is why Do people find this practice Entertaining, Of course the .
Flashing lights and Noises are fun, but once you get behind all that the .
People are giving the Casinos their money for the false hope of some big .
Jack pot which in some Instances like in the lottery they have a better .
Chance of getting hit by Lighting then winning. I personally think it is a .
Senseless Act ran by highly deceitful businesses but since they are .
Lucrative they continue to thrive by consuming the hard earned resources .
of losers, which are then greatly taxed by the government that backs this .
Practice. It won't stop anytime soon. .
First of all I would like to point out that gambling does help the state .
by giving it money to use on good Things like on education but it I feel it is .
Stealing it from the people since the big Casinos make millions of off .
Miss-representation aimed at people Giving them the false hope that they .
Will win big money. The actual gambling it self is teaching people that it is .
Ok to be reckless with money and is one of the worst financial investments .
I can think of since it is promoting unwise investing since you already know .
You"re going to lose but put your money in anyway. The Introduction of .
Casinos can also cause a Ripple effect in the local economy by causing .
People to flock to the city in great numbers as tourists increasing the profit .
Of local businesses. Even thought that is good it will also cost the city .
Money by having to hire more people as Police Officers and the costs of .
Running the courts and jails in the area that will have to process these .
Criminals will also go up. Even the increase in this Rise in economy could .