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Conspiracy Theories on HIV


             Analysis and Findings .29-32.
             Conclusion 33-35.
             References .36-40.
             Statement of Purpose.
             The purpose of this study is to identify conspiracy theories about HIV/AIDS among Black South Africans and African Americans. This research will specify how the theories cluster and remarkable aspects about these theories. I expect to find: 1) conspiracy theories in both Black South Africans and African Americans and 2) that these conspiracy theories cover a wide range of issues dealing with origination, transmission, treatment, and prevention/protection.
             Secondly, this study will compare and contrast conspiracy theories among Black South Africans and African Americans. Both groups share a strong cultural heritage that affects how they perceive problems and find solutions. I expect to find: 1) similarities between both groups given their cultural heritage and 2) dissimilarities between both groups because of societal differences. .
             The old adage, "what you don't know won't hurt you- has never been more false than in this climate of healthcare crisis. Specifically, the devastating effect that HIV/AIDS has had among the Black community in the United States and South Africa. What you do not know can kill you as evidence by the disproportionate reporting of infected persons with HIV/AIDS among the Black community. Interestingly enough, reports show that the prevention of treatment and early diagnosis is hampered not by the availability of treatment and prevention dramatically, but rather the widespread of conspiracy theories concerning HIV/AIDS that tend to negate established medical norms for communal conceptions of self-healing commonly found in South Africans.
             To better illustrate the crippling impact of conspiracy theories as they pertain to efforts and to the African American community, take note of a survey conducted by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

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