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Forgiveness, Christianity, and Class in Mary Barton


             Margaret truly wants to help Mary in any way that she can. She might not agree.
             with her regarding Jem's innocence, but she knows how much it means to her.
             friend. Margaret knows that she could not possibly afford the trip. But she.
             also knows what it is like to need help, and just how difficult it is to have to.
             ask for it, so instead of making Mary ask, she offers. She also realizes that.
             Mary wants to do this alone, so by turning it around as she did, she lets Mary.
             think that she is doing Margaret a favor by taking the money:it's the.
             happiest work on earth. (262).? Margaret also exercises her ability to.
             forgive. She is at first upset that Mary did not let her in on her affair with.
             young Carson, she is soon able to see that Mary is a good person, and that.
             everyone makes mistakes from time to time, that this is human nature. And she.
             is thoroughly rewarded for all of her goodness, and taking the bad along with.
             the good. She marries Will Wilson, and gains her sight back after a barbaric.
             operation. She moves to Canada with her new husband and eyesight, to be with.
             her fiend once again. .
             When Barton admits that he was the murderer of Harry Carson, and not Jem,.
             for a moment, the master and worker become equals,.
             ?Rich and poor, masters and men, were brothers in the deep suffering of the.
             heart? The mourner before him was no longer an employer, a being of another.
             race, eternally placed in antagonistic attitude? no longer the enemy, the.
             oppressor, but a very poor and desolate old man (366).? .
             They both had lost their only son; Carson to Barton, Barton essentially through.
             Carson, as Barton could not afford treatments that could have saved little Tom.
             because he had no work. Carson returns home, and in a moment of despondency,.
             picks up Harry's Bible and begins reading. He reads several passages,.
             passages turn to whole books, and Carson has rediscovered his faith in God. He.
             is able to forgive John Barton, and John Barton is able to finally let go and go.

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