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As a result of the increase of trade in goods, there has been an increase in the trade of services. The increase in transport services and service industries has meant increases in the tourism and information services. .
             There have been a large number of drivers, or influences that have contributed to the development of the globalization force. It is because of these drivers that globalization is having an enormous effect on the way that business operates today, and the way the nations develop policies regarding international trade and business. Technology has largely influenced global trade, mostly by way of communication technology for example, mobile phones and email (the internet) have provided cheaper, easier, and more convenient ways for businesses from different companies to communicate. Multi national companies have also provided a boost for global business, by managers and owners of companies taking their business to other nations, and trying out there, for example, McDonalds is a multi national corporation, trading in a number of different countries around the world. This also provides inter-business trade. Governments have also been helpful with global trade, by lowering tariffs. A tariff is a tax imposed on competing imports in an effort to protect domestic industries. Governments have also reduced quotas of trade worldwide. Quotas are restrictions on amounts of goods imported by competitors in order to protect domestic industries. .
             When the term domestic business is used, (in terms of Australia) it means the business was probably established in Australia, with the objective of it's output being produced solely for Australia, or the Australian "domestic" market. The business would recruit employees from.
             Australia and acquire the majority of its input and materials from the Australian domestic markets. However, a domestic business is not entirely isolated from the international aspects of business.

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