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Should Marijuana be Legal


Marijuana as medicine has been study for years. People that are sick of deadly disease such as AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and cancer find it hard to cope with the illness, so they relay on marijuana. John .
             McDowell 2.
             McNeille, a professor at the University of British Columbia's department of pharmaceutical science, agrees that marijuana can be helpful in pain management. In 1997 the White House of National drug Control Policy had the Institute of Medicine to conduct a review of scientific evidence to assess the potential benefits and risks of marijuana. They found that marijuana smoke contain 39 cannabinoid. The canabinoids in marijuana are effective treatments for symptoms such as pain relief, control or nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation. It is know that marijuana helps muscle spasms for multiple sclerosis suffers. In some patients with epilepsy, marijuana prevents epileptic seizures and allows more fresh areas of bronchi to open up. It gives cancer patient an appetite that is caused by chemotherapy treatment. No matter how bad the stereotypes of marijuana is, it has been proving that as many as five million patients in the US has benefit form the use of marijuana and because of that marijuana should be made legal.
             In addiction that what I have wrote I can finally say that I think that marijuana should be made legal, because for one, for what the studies has shown; it shows that marijuana is more beneficial than harmful. It shows that marijuana benefits more people with illness while on the other hand cigarettes and alcohol are killing more and more everyday. There has been no evidence to show that marijuana cause cancer while on the other hand tobacco does. I have been around many of people that smoke weed, as we call it and I see no different in it than a person that drinks. Yeah when you smoke weed you may say the stupidest things. Being around the people I have been around, I have never seen someone do the stupidest things that I have seen an intoxicated person do.

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