When I first thought of studying out side of Mexico, it wasn't the thought of studying that attracted me, it was the chance of living away from home with out working full time, so I took it. Now look at me, I"m happier than ever. " .
For Mexicans the obvious is to go across the boarder and study in the United States, In fact it is the most popular location to go when you want to study abroad. Yet it is so close and so expensive that its popularity among students has been dropping. Before 1998, nine out of ten study abroad students enrolled in an USA university. "Today it's like five in ten" Jesse guesses and adds. "My Brother and most of his friends went to Boston or New York, but after September eleven who would risk to go there? Besides those are places that you can visit any time, when will I have the chance to return to Australia?".
Australia may literally be on the other side of the world for Mexicans but even with travel expenses, it is way cheaper to study in Australia than it is to study in the States or Europe. When you study abroad, you have many expenses. "Food, rent, public transport, tuition and all the other expenses are like half of what my brother spent in New York. Although the States ere more expensive, Australia isn't cheap either. I spend double in Sydney that what I would normally spend in Mexico City." .
According to Jesse, the most popular destinations are Boston and London. And that Australia is becoming a place for more laid back and adventurous types. "I've been in the states many times, and I don't know why they go to places so urban. I think that one of the greatest advantages of studying over seas is that you can travel around the country you"re in. In Australia, I can scuba dive, trek in the mountains, go and see the different aboriginal cultures. The quantity of virgin landscapes and open space is impressive. I've never seen anything like this in my life. Even if I cover all of Aussie territory, which I doubt, I can still go to neighboring New Zealand and skydive, whitewater raft, bungee and all that extreme stuff.