• 3 4 oz. paper cups.
• 1 empty 16 inch latex balloon.
• 15 ft. of 10 lb. fishing line.
• 12 uniform sized marbles.
• 1 orange 16 in. helium filled latex balloon.
• 1 yellow 16 in. helium filled latex balloon.
• 1 white 16 in. helium filled latex balloon.
• 1 heavy duty kitchen scale capable of measuring grams.
• pencil and paper for recording results.
• scissors .
• 1 glass measuring cup capable of measuring 2 C.
• enough water to fill an empty 16 in. latex balloon.
1. The first thing I did was weigh an empty 4 oz. cup, empty 16 inch latex balloon, and five feet of 10 lb. fishing line so that I could subtract that weight from the total amount each balloon would lift. All of this together weighed 20 grams.
2. Next, I put two small holes right across from each other in the tops of the three 4 oz. cups.
3. I cut the store placed ribbon from the orange balloon and replaced it with five feet of fishing line.
4. I tied the fishing line to the cup.
5. The balloon floated to the ceiling. I put one marble in the cup and the balloon stayed at the ceiling.
6. I added another marble and the balloon remained at the ceiling.
7. I added a third marble and the balloon didn't move at all.
8. I put in the fourth marble and the balloon immediately dropped all the way to the floor.
9. I took all the marbles out of the cup and repeated steps 5-9 two more times. The results were the same each time.
10. I repeated this process with the white balloon and got the .
exact same results.
11. I again repeated the process with the yellow balloon and .
got the same results.
12. I averaged all the trials from all three colored balloons and .
came up with an average of 3 marbles lifted.
13. I weighed one marble. It weighed 12.5 grams. The three .
marbles together weighed 37.5 grams.
14. I decided to find out how much volume the helium .