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The Catholic Church feels that it is wrong for people to believe that they can control the beginning and end of their lives. According to the Church , "the temptation becomes all the greater to resolve the problem of suffering by eliminating it at the root, by hastening death so that it occurs at the moment considered most suitable. (Catholic Information Network). The Church wants it's parishioners to believe that suffering is a very important part of life and should remember that there's the accomplishment of afterlife. But these dogmas do not take away the pain and suffering related to a fatal illness nor do they make the pain any less real or manageable. .
             On medical aspect of euthanasia, there's always the question of ethical and moral for the doctors who are involved in it. A doctor has sworn to work his best ability to care for and cure his patients. So is it ethical to take one's life even if they have repeatedly asked so? Should the physician assist the fatally ill patient to end suffering or should he continued attempt to help that individual during their last period on earth? In his article "A problem for the idea of voluntary euthanasia", Neil Campbell explores the question of voluntary and involuntary euthanasia as well as the ethical and moral constraints of assisted suicide. Campbell's main argument is that "if the pain and suffering are by definition unbearable, then it seems clear enough that the decision to die is not freely chosen but is compelled by the pain." (Journal of Medical Ethics, 244) Campbell also uses the analogy between patients suffering extremes of pain who ask the doctor to assist in suicide and a prisoner who has been tortured for information. Many would agree with Campbell's view on euthanasia, but one still must make sure to exercise the true wishes of the patient regardless of the origin. His insight on assisted suicide does pose a problem, but the question is what the solution is.

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