Therefore, Plato will only allow poetry containing the mimesis of good men, or poetry using a simple narrative style. Plato feels that this is all extremely important in order to not corrupt the young guardians. .
Proper musical training is also an important part of Plato's educational system that will instill courage and moderation in the guardians, but it also contains censorship. Plato hopes to introduce harmony and order into the lives of the young guardians through the proper use of music. He controls the content of music by eliminating "soft" music, and erratic harmonies, modes, and rhythm which may cause disorder to the soul. He says that "soft" music is ill suited for the temperaments of warriors who must kill people in order to defend society. Plato also believes that there is a connection between the beauty and orderliness in the arts and in the soul.
According to Plato, physical training is also an essential part of education for the guardians because they need to be both warriors and protectors of society. His aim here is to produce a healthy body that will in turn produce a healthy soul. He discourages the guardians from overeating, excessive alcohol consumption, eating that food that is too rich, and encourages that they participate in a simple daily exercise program. Plato's views on physical fitness are actually quite sensible and are still encouraged today. .
Plato believes in an educational program that is well balanced in intellectual and physical training, that will ensure that the guardians are well cultivated, courageous, and moderate. He believes that if their education program contains too much art, music, and philosophy, they will become soft, and if they are not exposed enough to these arts, they will be too tough and savage.
Between the ages of seventeen and twenty, the most gifted children are chosen to participate in only physical and military training.