Jackie was one of the best all-.
around athletes that UCLA has ever had(Tygiel 26). Jackie decided to drop out of college .
and join the army.
Jackie applied for Office Candidate School. He was stationed at Fort Riley in .
Oklahoma. Blacks were not accepted for OCS. Jackie did not like this and confronted the .
action. This was his first attempt at racial discrimination. He sent complaints to the .
Secretary of Defense. Within a few days, Jackie and several blacks were in OCS(Duckett 23-24).
After the Army, Jackie joined the Kansas City Monarchs. This is a team in the .
Negro Leagues. He was paid three hundred dollars a month. Blacks who wanted to play .
baseball could sign up on black teams only. These teams were poorly financed, and their .
management and promotion left much to be desired. Travel schedules were unbelievably .
hectic(Duckett 36).
Branch Rickey was the baseball coach at Ohio Wesleyan. He was on his way to a .
game in South Bend, Indiana when his team needed to stop at a hotel to get some sleep. .
He had one black player on the team that couldn't stay in the hotel. The manager of the .
hotel wouldn't let him. Rickey convinced the manager to let him sleep there(Duckett 38). .
Branch does not care about skin color. He only cares about the talent of a player. He was .
later owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers organization. He was very interested in Jackie. He .
wasn't sure about taking Jackie because of his temper. Rickey talked to Jackie and told .
him if he could control his temper, he would be able to play. If Jackie tried to fight back .
in a Major League game, he would be harrassed, booed, abused and maybe even killed.
It was a crucial event in the history of the American rights moment, the .
importance of which went far beyond the insuler world of baseball(Dorinson 132). .
Branch Rickey signed Jackie Robinson to the Brooklyn Dodgers. Jackie said," I know .
that I am black man in a white world"(Duckett 12). Jackie will be the first black in the .