Also, cloning can be use to reproduce animals organs for transplant into human patients like kidneys and heart. This is the most important thing because 200,000 people die each year because of the lack of organs available from a donor. The most likely animals to clone organs from are pigs because they breed easily and mature quickly, and their organs are the same size as those of humans. The problem is that the body rejects the donor organ when it is stitched in place more violently than it would a human graft. The cause of this rejection is a sugar molecule on the surface of pig cells that identifies the tissue as non-human. Scientist are finding the gene that responsible of the sugar and taking it out of the nucleus of a pig cell. But, this is not the perfect solution; however, researchers are optimistic, insisting that pig organs could available in a few years. "A pig heart transplanted in a person would turn black within minute," says David Ayares, a search director that helped clone Dolly (Kluger).
Many people could benefit with this new technology. Such as people with Parkinson's and other brain diseases by giving them with neural tissue that is genetically identical to their own. Also, burn victims could receive new skin, which would be grown in a laboratory and wrapped around injured areas. Another example of is patients with chronic leukemia could gain a reliable source of healthy bone marrow, which will result in a cure. "The benefits of this technique outweigh the risk" (Nash). For example, an old man had macular degeneration, which is a disease that destroys vision. To bolster his failing eyesight, he receives a transplant of healthy retinal tissue that was cloned form his own cells and cultivated in lab dish (Nash). .
In the other hand this technology of cloning animals has been controversial among religious and science followers. Religion believes that science is plying God, and cloning is against humanity (Turner).