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Air Pollution


             like the land. Pollution spreads beyond the borders of any country, and as.
             such, no one region can solve the problem alone. In some developing.
             nations, there are areas that people and animals cannot live in for.
             extended periods of time. One visitor to the Romanian 'black town' of.
             Cops Mica noted that "the trees and grass are so stained by soot that they.
             look as if they had been soaked in ink." A local doctor reported that even.
             horses can stay only for two years in the town; "then they have to be.
             taken away, or else they will die" (Gore 81). There are many reasons.
             that pollution has come to the foreground of twentieth century politics.
             The most important is the effect it has on human life. This does not place.
             the effects that it has on our natural environment as secondary, however,.
             it seems that unless we as human beings are directly affected, we tend to.
             look the other way. The EPA's 1990 report on urban.
             air quality trends estimates that over 100 million Americans live in areas.
             where pollution exceeds federal air quality standards, as well air.
             pollution is responsible for more then 50,000 to 60,000 premature deaths.
             each year (Bryner, 3) Air pollution is also the main cause of global.
             warming and the depletion of the ozone layer. If the earth's temperature.
             rises by a mere five degrees, the resulting catastrophe would be.
             immeasurable. It is important to realize that global warming is a direct.
             result of the depletion of ozone in the atmosphere. "A greater.
             variety of greenhouse gases are created by a myriad of essential human.
             activities, including the generation of power, industrial production,.
             transportation, agriculture and forestry. Mitigating climate change will.
             require major changes in life-style, especially those that consume large.
             amounts of fossil fuels" (Vig and Kraft 313). We can see that.
             no matter where we look, air pollution has come to occupy a major part in.

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