The victory of democracies over rival political forms would seem to stand as confirmation that democracy is the form of government, which most closely reflects human aspirations. Democracy would also seem to be the political form that most closely corresponds with certain aspects of human nature. .
Since the men have been working on politics they have oscillate between two opposed explanations. According to first one, politics is an effort to bring about the rule of order and justice. According to the other view, politics is conflict, a struggle which power allows those who possess it to ensure their position on society and profit by it.
According to first term, democracy has obvious signs of success compare with rival political forms. Francis Fukuyama, US social analyst and political commentator says "Most scholars in both the East and West now accept that consumer oriented democracies tend to do a much better job of satisfying the basic human needs and the material wants of their people than any of the leading systemic alternatives on either the political left or the political right."".
Consequently, consumerism would appear to be a main source of internal stability for democracies. By comparison with other political forms, democracy would appear to be the system which is most conductive to human happiness, and which seems most capable of producing the material conditions under which people wish to live.
The principal economic activity of all major democracies involves the provision of consumer goods and services. Democracy would appear to have grown critically dependent on the resources needed to keep the high rates of production, which are necessary for maintaining a high standard of living. Thus there is inconsistency of capitalism. Products and services are over limit phenomenon occurs in wealthy area of the world. On the other hand, many people dies because of extreme poor and starving.