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"Send Your Children To The Libraries"


            In the essay "Send your children to the Libraries" by "Arthur Ashe", he describes how he feels about sports and school. Arthur believes that while it is ok for children to have idols, they must focus on education, and place sports second. In this essay, Arthur states, "Black youth have had the goal of professional sports for too long." This shows his belief that the black youth have been misguided in the past, and how he thinks it should be stopped. In my opinion, I feel that what Arthur is stating is true, and we should take a stand to listen.
             As stated in the previous paragraph, I believe that Arthur makes a good point in his essay. I also believe that Arthur was correct in saying that we need more lawyers, politicians, and business men. I believe the world would benefit greatly if more people took a stand, and went out into the business world. The news focuses on the athletes who have been successful in their quest, but looks away from the ones who have failed. Most children grow up watching sporting events believing that everyone who wants to can play, or make the team. However, as they grow older they learn otherwise. Arthur also states his belief on that matter in the essay. He states how he explains to young children that "for every Tiger Woods earning millions, there are six or seven other making $15,000 to $20,000 per year." .
             In conclusion, I would agree with the author in all aspects of his essay. I believe that the author is trying to guide youth in a manner which would benefit everyone. And help many people for many years to come. Even if the essay changes only one persons mind today, that one person may end up being the president of tomorrow. So all in all, Arthur Ashe is one man, trying to change the world for the better, and I believe we should follow his lead, and teach the youth to look up to Ben Franklin, more then Sammy Sosa.

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