We then moved to Denver were the flying situation improved for me because I was then able to turn and perform simple maneuvers that I was talked through. Even though I did these maneuvers I was still at a rote learning level I didn't understand any part of it. I officially started my flight training when I moved to Pennsylvania when I was about eight. I bought my first log book and it was quite a trip filling it up. For the first few years after buying my logbook I would have several years of flights on one page and one page has about 10 entry lines. I flew very little because of the cost of renting. That situation changed after a few years when my dad decided to buy a Piper Cherokee 180. .
After my dad bought the plane flight training became much easier and affordable, besides the actual purchase. When I was 15 I started to really get into flying and my dad began to teach me what I needed to know to become a pilot. It started out that I would fly once a month or a little more. Then as my 16th birthday was approaching I started to fly weekly and gradually more and more. A few months after my birthday my dad said I was ready. Ready to solo, ready to fly the plane all by myself, and that scared me very much. He wanted me to take the plane that he was always in and fly it alone. I knew that eventually that day was going to come but that didn't prepare me for it. So I got in the plane and did it, and it was like something out of a book. The pleasure I felt was indescribable. I knew that I wanted to pursue flying much further.
Even though I had soloed I was still pretty far from getting my private pilot's license. After soloing I had a lot of maneuvers and procedures to learn to be considered worthy of having the privilege of flight. I would spend hours studying books, charts, and manuals to become familiar with what happens and what could happen in flight. I would spend equal if not more time flying.