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Legalization of Marijuana


             Marijuana has been around since the beginning of time and has been used safely by people of all cultures. Since the 1930's, it has been illegal to cultivate or possess marijuana in the United States due to a perceived danger when used. According to the 9th amendment of the United States Constitution, "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be considered to deny or disparage others retained by the people." The most fundamental right is the right to control your own body, therefore, the legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational usage should be reinstated. .
             The most obvious concern when dealing with the drug is the possibility of lethal effects. Administrative Law judge, Francis L. Young of the United States Department of Justice has strong feelings in favor of re-legalization of marijuana saying, "'marijuana in its natural stage is far safer than many of the foods we commonly consume.'" His controversial views on the subject have earned him the respect of many organizations lobbying for its re-legalization. The National Organization to Reform Marijuana (NORML) is one of many organizations in favor of the re-legislation. They speak out publicly on the drugs non-lethal effects boasting that there is no credible evidence on a marijuana-induced fatality. Their propositions have generally been well received from the people who have heard them speak out on the subject.
             (CALM), Citizen's Alliance for the Legalization of Marijuana located in Bloomington Indiana has adopted many of the same views put forth by Francis L. Young. They are expanding and attracting new members with outreach programs by educating them on the substances non-lethal properties in comparison with commonly used prescription drugs. Their organization provides evidence that over 200,000 people die each year from prescribed drugs, yet marijuana is still illegal and causes no deaths a year.

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