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             Hinduism is estranged from other religions because it really has no definite and clarified origin. Its thought to be a collection of many religious beliefs put together into one. It is thought to be one of the oldest religions in the world with millions of followers all over the world. .
             Beliefs of Hinduism.
             The followers of Hinduism believe in an immense unifying force that controls all existence. Also that individual gods and goddesses control this existence. Because there are so many gods for so many things in life, each Hindu may only select a group of gods to worship their whole life. Hindu worship gods in order to be looked after by the gods. Also it is customary in Hinduism that each household must have a puja (a religious ceremony that you have at your house) every year in order to bless your house. .
             Even though Hinduism has such as huge range of gods and goddesses, there are three main gods: Shiva, Vishnu and Devi. Shiva is known as the creator and destroyer. Shiva's role is to destroy the old while creating the new. Vishnu is known as the preserver, where his role is to represent and control stability and order. Devi is known only as the goddess who is believed to appear in different forms in every region in India. Shiva is also known as the creative energy of the universe. .
             In Hinduism its believed that once a Hindu passes away, accordingly to his/her previous life he/she will be reincarnated into a living being, either as a human or animal. So if you have been a good Hindu in your previous life you will most likely be reincarnated into a human being, but if you have been bad in your previous life and have committed lots of sins and have not been a good Hindu, you will most likely be reincarnated into a animal or insect that has no importance on the earth and is highly disregarded. .
             Too most Hindu's cows are sacred, that is why we do not eat them. Cows are sacred to us due to a number a many reasons.

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