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Frankenstien's Grant Proposal


" (Letter 4). However, it appears the Victor Frankenstein has had a change of heart from that feeling he expressed decades ago. In his grant proposal, he has acknowledged his faults in past experiments and has outlined a list of preliminary stipulations and guidelines, to make sure the misfortunes of the past will not be repeated. He has explained that he has returned to the feeling of excitement that he once had during his years of college quoting himself with "I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation." (Chapter 3 approx. 110).
             As a scientist, Dr. Frankenstein has an obligation to acquire knowledge for the benefit of society. Victor is aware of his past tragedies, and realizes that those incidents must not occur during further research. We will now discuss the stipulations Dr. Frankenstein has provided. This platform is designed to allow research to continue in the safest and most ethical way. First, the physical process of re-animating dead organisms will be studied strictly on non-human subjects at first to minimize the risks made obvious from the prior experience. Using animals with sophistication and capability of emotions will be crucial to understanding the psychological implications of being 'undead'. For example, the possibility of retaining memories after being re-animated. Only after the process is perfected and psychological damage to the subject is minimized, Frankenstein will once again work on human subjects begin. The human subjects of the experiments must give consent prior to their death to allow their bodies to be used for scientific research. In using whole subjects that are willing to have the procedure post-mortem, there is a greater likelihood of success and acceptance from the subjects with minimal psychological damage. Victor states a major flaw in his work was making a composite 'humanoid' from multiple bodies that had decayed at different rates.

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