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The Equality of Same-Sex Marriage


All that same-sex marriage ask is for equal dignity in the law's eyes and the Constitution granted them that right. "Allowing gay couples to marry would strengthen these communities by extending the full promise of America to every American this decision affirms what millions of Americans already believe in their hearts; that when all Americans are treated equal, all are free." President Obama stated. Homosexuals are not that different from that of a heterosexual. .
             They're a human and they share the same Constitutional rights. What makes them aliens? Because they find love in a person of the same gender? All God ever wants for his children is peace, love, and happiness in the world. Homosexual should get the opportunity to choose who they want to spend their life with, others don't have that right to take it away from them. What is love? An intense feeling of deep affection rather it's a partner or a family member, or a close friend. That definition is the same for everyone. Why must gays pretend to be something they're not to reach the standards' of today's society? Both homosexual and hetersexual couples can co-exist in the world. .
             Rather someone is Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Restoration, Judaism, or whatever their religion may be, everyone believes in different religions. But same-sex marriages do not impact religious freedom. Everybody is entitled to believe in whatever religion they grew up in or what they practiced. Someone can believe in God and his word, and still marry someone of their same gender. Because a religion does not define who someone is as a person. Religious beliefs is the most influence against homosexuals. .
             But it's not religious marriage, it's civil marriage and in respect, religious tradition has long since creased. Same-sex marriages are not leading to restrictions on religious liberty or even "criminalization" of religious opposition to homosexuality.

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