This behavioral system supports the establishment and maintenance of adequate proximity and contact to specific persons, ensuring protection and care" (p.35). Children are not being disciplined or taught how to be mentally tough and deal with problems the right way. These lack of social skills in children stick with them into their pre teen and teenage years and cause them to be more susceptible to being bullied or being bullied, not being able to deal with emotional stress, not having the social skills to deal with everyday situations and depending on people/material items/substances to help them get by. Because teenagers are dealing with these issues, they become more likely to develop mental health issues like depression. The social intuitions as in parents, school and society has failed to teach them how to live a stable and orderly life and because of this, the domino effect of mental health problems start to occur.
This issue is affecting society because these teenagers are unable to contribute to society because of their mental health issues. For example, they drop out of school, which means fewer students, and less teaching jobs available. The more dropouts there are, the fewer teenagers attending post secondary therefore, not enough people working in a career field. These people have to live off the government because they have no income, which means higher taxes for communities. Taxpayers cannot afford as much as they used to be able to afford, which means they are spending less money on luxurious items in turn causes businesses to shut down. Teenagers who commit suicide leave their families behind and their families are put in a traumatic situation. This leads to family breakups, disrupted siblings and friends of the teenager and because of all the damage, those affected will need various counseling methods, they may start to abuse drugs and alcohol and they might develop their own mental health issues which starts this vicious cycle all over again.