Yet, how successful are these policies? Has China's population growth decreased? "Actually, in the cities of China the method seems to work. Growth has stopped [ ][But,] even though China's efforts have been successful in the city, China's entire population .
continues to grow. Why? It is because their constraint laws are impossible to enforce in the countryside and borderlands. Here [,] the population grows [,] and by the effects of migration [,] the cities also grow" (Johnston). So, one may conclude that this method is not working and is instead causing more problems for this country.
In the past few decades, China's suicide rates in women have increased and become more commonplace. "Some 500 Chinese women take their life everyday, giving China the highest rate of female suicide on the planet. The most populous nation, China has 21 percent of the world's women, but claims almost 56 percent of all female suicides. China is the only country where more women commit suicide than men" (Kelley). Of course the country's birth control policy is not fully to blame for these deaths, as China has always held women in oppression and seen them as less valuable than men. However, one can attribute a large part of these suicides to this policy. "Critics say China's family-planning policy has worsened the problem [of suicide in women]" (Kelley). Women have an innate instinct since birth to bear children. If this were not the case, the human race would have become extinct many years ago. To try to "control" these instincts will only lead to frustration and .
dissatisfaction in these women. History and experience alike have shown us that when the government tries to deny people their human rights, in order to solve a problem, it almost always causes greater problems and does nothing to resolve the first problem. This is what I see happening if every country tries to force birth control.