" These "groups" are fundamental to creating an inline world full of profiling and innovative technology. How medias affect our identities can be attributed back to the first block, and arguably the most important. Many sites today are built on the idea of personal and collective identity, i.e. Facebook. Specifically, Facebook is a site that allows users to create a "realistic" profile in order to connect with friends, post photographs and current events, and chat online. You are given the power to create your profile of the best "you." This can be potentially harmful when thinking of a collective identity. If every Facebook user is creating a somewhat fabricated version of themselves, then our online identity ends up taking over our idea of normalcy, depending on the time spent using media daily. .
What is the role of social media in our lives? Are we aware of its power over us as a society? Social media has transformed the ways we think and learn, as well as our feelings towards our fellow members of society. One thing I feel that we can't always pinpoint is the way social media controls our personality. Personality and behavior coincide with our vision of a deeper identity. These building blocks are the foundation on which human traits are discovered scientifically and even spiritually. Personally, I have seen people who use sites like Facebook for posting pictures, to alert the world of their daily activities, and to keep hidden and monitor the posts of others. We may want to boost our self-esteem or be in the know when a big event happens. It becomes a never-ending competition to be the first to witness something society deems as important. We are easily swayed by advertisements, commercials, and endorsements. We are always on the lookout for something that could potentially improve our lives. We want to be better than the next and create our best self.