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Networking Security Fundamentals


Employees are the usually the first point of contact between a business and its customers, if your employees are unhappy for whatever reason that could be linked to the business improper treatment of the customers could damage the businesses reputation. Leading to financial losses. Alternatively, the credibility of the pharmacy could be damage due to improper handling of sensitive information. [ CITATION CER11 l 1033 ].
             Any unauthorized physical access to any of the sensitive areas would be catastrophic. Even a small measure of technical competency could prove deadly when dealing with patient records and any kind of insurance information stored on the local computers. If that information were to be compromised an untold amount of damage could be caused by the intruder to not only the pharmacy but to also any customers who had given their personal information to the pharmacy. This could also pave the way to the complete ruination of the business if any customer information was used maliciously. [ CITATION Tho10 l 1033 ].
             With the physical threats covered we move on to the logical threats that would put business integrity at risk. Logical threats refer to any electronically based attack that does not require a physical intrusion of the business. These type of threats can potentially pose a greater danger to an organization because they are launched remotely usually therefore there is no typical evidence that would otherwise be present in the case of a physical intrusion. .
             Firstly, any kind of malicious software that could find its way on to any computer system present in the pharmacy can pose a serious threat to data integrity. As I explained previously there is a wealth of sensitive information that is required for a customer to fill a prescription. Theft of this information can be dangerous not only for the pharmacy itself but it can also lead to multiple identity theft of its customers.

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