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Three Short Stories


He felt comfortable enough and was drunk enough at this point to tell Ella that he was not okay with her hanging around this group of guys, especially because half of them were ex's. Ella told him she was staying. At this point Thomas was so fed up with seeing his girlfriend flirt with random guys, he decided to call a cab and just go home by himself. He would eventually get home only to continue drinking, and wallow in his own sorrow of not thinking he was good enough for Ella. He drove himself insane within the course of an hour thinking about what she might still be doing and that party, and in the midst of his alcohol induced mental breakdown he hanged himself with a tie from his closet.
             Story 2.
             There was once a little boy named Max. At the age of four, max enjoyed having his parents all to himself. He would wake up every single morning around nine AM to go play with his mother until around five PM when his father would come home and he could play with him until he would fall asleep and be carried to bed after a long day of play. Life was good for Max, when one day his mother and father began talking about something that rather intrigued him, his parents were talking about having another child. Immediately Max jumped at the idea, although not fully understanding what it would mean, he only knew it would mean another playmate. Eventually Max and his parents agreed they would try for another baby. Max dreamed of the day when the new baby would finally arrive and he was have someone new to play with. Eventually, the baby did arrive and it turned out it was a little baby girl. .
             At this point, Max had long since turned the age of 5 and had already started kindergarten, which Max absolutely hated. By the time the baby had come Max already had high expectations for what the baby would do, and he was completely let down to find that all the baby did was poop, cry and sleep. His parents now wouldn't even acknowledge him, their attention was completely focused on the baby, whether the baby was being cute or the baby needed to be changed, it was all about the baby.

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