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David Kennedy: Crime Zones


The second perspective he states is of the law-abiding community. From these communities' perspectives, they believe the cops are not helping to try and solve the crimes in their areas, or as he states in the interview "the cops want it or are behind it and that the cops are bringing in the drugs, and crack was created by the FBI hence why it's coming into the neighborhoods". The final perspective is by the "community of the streets" or the viewpoint of the criminal themselves. These offenders believe that the community doesn't care about what they do and that the cops completely hate them, and the hate is from personal animosity. These individuals are the ones most likely in gangs or other juvenile groups, and if a person is in one of these associations, they help contribute to the homicide rate, which due to gang related violence could range between 3,000 per 100,000 a year. An example of this would be for the case in Cincinnati, where his research showed that there were around 60 gangs with about 1,500 members, and these gangs attributed to "representing less than half a percentage point of the city's population are associated with 75 percent of all of Cincinnati's killings".
             David Kennedy, in his attempt to reduce homicide rates, created his program of "Operation Ceasefire". In this program, Kennedy held interactive social meetings between gang members, and the members of their communities ranging from respected community members, social service representatives, and even law enforcement officials. He brought these people into interact with the gang members to show different conflicting views on why they should stop what they are doing in their activities. The social service workers would explain they could help them in their situations no matter the case. For the law enforcement officers, they would state that they didn't want to arrest people, and they wanted these individuals to stay alive, so they wouldn't have to explain to their mothers that their child has been killed, but they would still go to their groups if they wouldn't listen and would try to retaliate against authority.

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