Many students want to better themselves and to make their family proud of them, but it's hard when they can't pay for it or they have to take out loans. Students come from many different backgrounds and want different things in life. Their only way to get there is a college education, which some can't afford, so they just give up in life. That's why many students work at fast food restaurants or working at a grocery store to make ends meet to do something with their life. So many students are out there getting in trouble going to jail, fighting, robbing people just so they can have money because they don't want to work they should be in college making something out of their life.
People think just because students don't have a degree, they can't get a job. There are a lot of jobs out there where students don't need a degree like an online manager, court reporter, cosmetologist, hair stylist, tax collector and a teacher's aid. They may not be the best jobs in the world, but the student can build their way up in the world. Even if students do go to college, most people don't get a job in their field. For example, my aunt has a degree in business. She doesn't look for jobs in her degree, which is a waste. Why spend all that money and time getting a degree that you're not going to use it. Students can get a job in their degree, so it won't be a waste of money or study time.
Without a degree doesn't mean that the students can't be a manager or a CEO of a big company. It just means they have to work extra hard and prove to their boss that they can do anything that a person with a degree can do. Prove to the boss that he/she didn't make a mistake by hiring them. When students walk into a job interview, they usually have low self-esteem because they're going up against people who have a college degree. But even if students did go to college and get their masters, most jobs that students apply for might think that the students are too good for the job.