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The Reality of Bigfoot


She noticed the beast looking at her children. She believed that the creature heard the children playing and came to see what was making the commotion. The beast walked into the forest and disappeared. Soon after she saw the beast, she gathered her children and went home. The woman also went to an illustrator and had a picture drawn of the beast. The sketch resembles a large hairy primate looking creature. The drawing had arms, muscular legs, a humanistic head, and huge feet. The reason the woman believed it was Bigfoot was because the creature was standing upright and walked like a human. ("Ohio Field Research: Eyewitness Sketches"). Bigfoot is not an aggressive creature. The creature saw the children and didn't try to attack or harm them. It just walked away from the scene. .
             Another example on the boundaries of the Berlin Lake State Wildlife in Ohio in July 1994 at 2:30 am, eyewitness, Brian Jones, says he flashed a light at the "hairy man". The "hairy man" raised his forearm and covered its face. Soon after a few moments the creature lowered its arm and stared at Jones. The beast walked away. Jones walked away as well and drew a sketch. The sketch resembled a large hairy beast, with long legs, humanistic features and stood up right. ("Ohio Field Research: Eyewitness Sketches"). Bigfoot wasn't aggressive with Jones. The beast was more in shock than enraged. Bigfoot was roaming around the forest alone when sited. Just like the other witness the beast appeared to be a big hairy creature which is not anything like an animal or creature that had been seen before. These sitings really made the witnesses wonder if they had really seen something out of the ordinary or was it just an overgrown wild animal. No one will really every know. .
             Bigfoot has also been sited throughout history around the world. One group that had sitings of a bigfoot type of creature is the Cheyenne Tribe of Indians.

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