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Joint Engagement Intervention for Toddlers with Autism


            Autism is a disability often found to be present in the early stages of childhood that causes difficulty in communication, as well as forming relationships with others. Autism also causes issues with language and concepts. In early years, children who show lack of engagement with their caregivers, such as not being responsive to a caregiver, or not being interested in showing them a new toy, are often diagnosed with autism (Kasari, 2010). According to the article, Randomized Control Caregiver Mediated Joint Engagement Intervention for Toddlers with Autism, studies have been and are being conducted to show how interventions and training for children with autism can strengthen their engagement skills. .
             The main purpose of the research conducted is to show if joint attention intervention between toddlers and caregivers would cause an increase in a joint engagement (Kasari, 2010). Verbal and non-verbal skills are important since this is how we communicate to one another and increases development. Children first begin communicating non-verbally with each other, which is also related to verbal communication; these non-verbal skills help aid in learning language skills before they are able to speak (Kasari,2010). Non-verbal skills can include, eye-contact, smiles and gestures, this helps in acquiring communication and social skills (Kasari, 2010). .
             Often these studies will focus on s specific area, such as responsive or behavioral skills (Kasari, 2010). Even though studies very, there are has been great success. Each study will vary based on different factors that include, contents of what's being learned, how well it is communicated, and the amount of time spent focusing on the learning material. In a study done by Whalen and Schreibman (2003), they show how joint attention skills such as pointing and gazing could be taught to five preschool children who have autism. Out of those five children, two of them had untrained mothers.

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