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The Keywords of Cyberbullying


The most unfortunate development is that the problem has not been given the appropriate attention. As a result, the problem has remained virtually absent from the available literature. Campbell states, "One of the first steps in any prevention program is to ensure that people are aware of the problem. A difficulty with preventing bullying in schools has been (and in some case still is) that schools deny any incidence of bullying" (4). There is therefore need to explore issues arising from incidences of cyber bullying. Any potential consequences of cyber bullying should also be investigated.
             Keyword: Cyberbullying Effects.
             Dilmac, Bulent. "Psychological Needs As A Predictor Of Cyber Bullying: A Preliminary Report On College Students.".Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice 9.3 (2009): 1307-1325. Web. 9 Feb. 2016.
             Cyber bullying has been reported in many news stories across the world. Reports on this vice news have been on the rise in the last few years. Cyber bullying is known to many. However, its weight on an individual can best be realized by learning about its psychological effects. Dilmac states, "Investigation has to be done in order to identify existing relationship between psychological needs and cyber bullying" (par. 1). The results indicate that those who have undergone this victimization feel the need for a change in the environment in which they live. Most of the victims seem to be aggressive. This characteristic nature of the victims needs to be addressed in subsequent researches. This will make more literature available for formulation of helpful policies to regulate the practice.
             Keyword: Cyberbullying Prevention.
             Hinduja, Sameer, and Justin W. Patchin. Bullying beyond the schoolyard: preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2009. Print.
             In this book, the authors have explored the extent to which cyberbullying has spread in schools.

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