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The Ethics of Honesty


             Another example would be a personal experience whereby I had distorted my skills and qualities in my resume for a part time job I needed badly. Since it was a marketing company I was being interviewed for, I lied that I had had experience working as a promoter and is very good in sales. In this case, it can be conflicted that I might be fired if I am not able to perform my duties and obligations effectively. However, since I was in a tight spot and had really needed to land this job, I had no other choice than to be dishonest and forgo need for honesty in this scenario. In the end, I was not able to meet the expectations required and was soon fired within the first week. This taught me a valuable lesson alongside with the embarrassment I felt. .
             Another angle of honesty is from a political point of view. For instance, an honest politician recognizes his responsibilities, buckles down, accommodates his books, and declines to take cash that does not fit in with him. Subsequently, he can confront his partners and clients bravely as he maintains his commitments and treats everybody decently. Furthermore, since he doesn't have anything to shroud, he can discuss his work to his family and companions without worrying about what he says or to whom he says it. Whether at work, home, or play, he can carry on with his life transparently and bravely with no compelling reason to "cover his tracks." By being straightforward, he is living in amicability with reality and procuring the subsequent bonuses. However, the dishonest politician makes an alternate course of move by falsifying books and steals from his clients. He is acting in struggle with reality that is, against the way that he doesn't possess the cash he is taking. Subsequently, he has enormous issues. Other than the way that he may get caught and put behind bars for misappropriation. In order to continue pretending to be innocent, the politician will have to continuously lie to keep up the figment of his guiltlessness.

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