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Political Debate - Chris Christie


             On Governor Christie's first Republican presidential debate, he answered a question with misleading numbers of the New Jersey economy. He stated that he had eliminated the $11 billion deficit on a $29 billion deficit, which is not true. "If he needed to close such a gap in the yearly state budget, Christie would have needed to make big cuts to programs and raise taxes – something Christie correctly noted Thursday night that he has not done in his five years as governor." Christie was mistaken with the state Structural budget deficit, which is a theoretical gap between what politicians want to spend and what the annual comes out. In his debate, he also stated that he did cut programs but he did not cut enough in order to reduce the deficit amount.
             Samantha Marcus graduated from University of Missouri - Columbia with a Bachelor of Journalism and a Bachelor of Political Science. She has been a Statehouse Reporter at New Jersey Advanced Media for NJ.com for a year. At New Jersey Advanced Media, she covers the New Jersey state budget. NJ.co is the largest website that covers local news, sports, entertainment, and more, and that it also connects with twelve more New Jersey newspaper. .
             Christie takes pride a lot when saying that he did eliminate the $11 billion deficit on a $29 billion dollars budget. He has been misleading everyone about the real fact that he could not eliminate any of those numbers. "According to information from the nonpartisan Office of Legislative Services, New Jersey under Christie still faced a $7.35 billion structural deficit heading into this most recent budget cycle". As he was saying that, he was referring to the state structural deficit, which is not even close to the real deficit that he was having. The total deficit, which he was supposed to state, is the sum of both the structural deficit and the cyclical deficit. This means that he only included approximately half of what the deficit that New Jersey is facing and this proves that he was not being honest about the numbers that he stated.

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