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Millennials, Accountability and Spirituality


Another shocking result is that "67% who self-identified as "Christian" do not attend worship services on a weekly basis" (Lifeway 15). This should really make us consider how genuine we really are. Prayer is another area that Millennials seem to fall behind in. If you consider yourself a "Christian" and do not go to church or read your bible, one would like to believe you at least pray right? Well sadly this is not true all of them. Only 41 percent of whom call themselves "Christians" pray daily. This might not seem too outrageously low, but embarrassing compared to some other results. The other results showed that "22% who do not trust Christ as Savior, 37% who are in non-Christian religions, and even 5% who have no religious preference" (Lifeway 9) pray daily. This is embarrassing because non-Christians are almost praying daily as much as people who call themselves "Christians" are.
             The concept of there being a God, Heaven, and Hell is surprisingly well agreed upon amongst Millennials. It is hard to believe, but many of them believe in all three things, despite their lack of participation. Shockingly, 29 percent of non-religious and 59 percent of whom do not trust Christ as Savior, believe Heaven is for real (movie joke lol). While 25 percent of non-religious and 47 percent of whom do not trust Christ was the Messiah, believe Hell is a real place. As for God, "46% of Millennials agreed strongly that God is a real being" (Lifeway 26). These results shows how Millennial's intentions and actions do not always match up.
             I personally believe the reason behind this is the idea of there being a lack of freedom in religion. They might believe there is a God and afterlife, but the idea of submitting is undesired. So they live their lives how they want to, free and without rules. The problem with this is that they still think they will go to Heaven when they die.

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