Every child should be a competent and avid reader by the time he imparts from high school.
The researchers, as future English teachers, are motivated to conduct this study to be well familiar to the typical areas of reading difficulties among grade 8 students , and to correct the difficulties of the students in the reading process.
Statement of the Problem.
This study will aim to identify the typical areas of reading difficulties among Grade 8 students in Batangas Province.
Specifically, the study will seek answers to the following questions:.
1. What is the profile of respondents according to:.
1.1 age.
1.2 economic status.
1.3 school graduated from?.
1.4 grades in English.
2. To what extent are the respondents being exposed to the different reading materials?.
3. How do the profile of the respondents relate to the exposure to reading materials?.
4. What are the reading difficulties identified among the grade 8 students?.
5. How do the respondents perform on the reading activities? In what specific area/areas do they meet difficulties?.
6. What activities can be proposed to increase the reading competencies of the students?.
Scope, Delimitation and Limitation.
This study will be conducted at the selected High Schools in the Province of Batangas. It will focus on the typical areas of reading difficulties among Grade 8 students. It will also get across to the profile of the students such as age, economic status, the school they graduated from and their grades in English. The specific reading difficulties of the students will be identified by the study. It also covers some details on how the respondents are being exposed to the different reading materials. It will utilize descriptive research design and questionnaire as a tool in gathering data.
It will not get across to the other reading troubles such as dyslexia and visual problems because it is another factor that requires specialty in medical professions.