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Language and Communication Arts


The ability to read is extremely valued and very significant in educational and economical furtherance. In this fast-paced world, there is so much to learn and to experience and the need for an exertion to inhibit dissentious forces, the importance of reading has increased. People who are good readers are inclined to attest progression in social skills. A person who is widely read is a better communicator than those who do not read.
             Reading diversifies the imagination. It is a way to fill in the gap of inexperienced event or travel. It extended one's imagination. The confidence in reading comes from the daily practice of it. A good reader can communicate with the greater extent because reading broadened one's vision and point of view. There is a strong correlation between reading and success. Good reader is more probably perform well in school, understand and structured piece of writing, they have the ability to analyze ideas and follow arguments. They are able to connect thoughts and implications. The researchers also found out that there is a strong correlation between reading and vocabulary cognition. It can be observed that most students who have a large vocabulary are commonly good readers, this isn't surprising since the most effective way to acquire large vocabulary is to read extensively. .
             Not all students are born readers, other do not have the interest in reading and others are experiencing from lack of capabilities and difficulties, these can be called as the reading problems of the students. According to research 85% of children with learning difficulties have reading problems. They cannot decode, comprehend and retain what they are reading.
             Some students do have the reading problems because they lack for the necessary skills for a proficient reading. When a student suffers from reading difficulties, it is needed to identify where is that specific deficiencies exist and interpret all the combined result.

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