S. Capital" NY Times, March 2010, Sept 16th 2014.) Washington D.C. Is the engine of the car that is our country! But yet so many states still buck the system because they believe the world will come to an end so to speak. This is simply not true. .
One side of the opposition feels that our tax dollars should not go to something they do not support, ("Should Gay Marriage be Legal?" Gay Marriage, Procon.org, September 2014, Sept 16th 2014.) I think that is a pathetic argument at best. Anyone who uses that as a leg to stand on as a reason why gay marriage should be kept illegal needs to ask everyone how they feel about our tax dollars being used to fund two wars they did not believe in. They also should ask anyone how they felt about their tax dollars being used to pay congress during the shutdown when it was congress who let the shutdown happen in the first place. In December of 2009, the Budget office released findings that showed it would cost an additional $596 million in spending to extend benefits to same-sex partners of certain federal employees, (Amber G. Marcellino "Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate H.R. 2517" www.cbo.gov, Dec 2009, Sept 16th 2014.) So it is ok to spend what I imagine would be a lot more than $596 million on traditional marriages and legal civil unions but not every other federal employee in a civil union? How is that even equal opportunity? I also find it hilarious that we have no problem funding countless other frivolous things with tax dollars but god forbid we fund what should be basic human rights. We have federal holidays that tax dollars fund the salary of employees who get paid time off, to which the meaning behind the federal holiday could be an atrocity but we can fund benefits to employees just because they happen to love some of the same sex. .
To me it seems way too easy to make this about a dollars and cents issue. But if we are going to do that then we need to ask those same people whoever they are that feel we shouldn't be spending tax dollars on gay marriage benefits how they feel about tax dollars being spent on every other issue they basically have or had no say in.